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Restore America

(Exercising my 1st Amendment rights to Freedom of Speech)


The Continuum-1 Protreptic Continuity

(Update 15 November 25, 2014)

A Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government, and what

no just government should refuse, or rest on inference. Thomas Jefferson


Prologue in Continuum:

America must rekindle that revolutionary spark to set the idea of Restoring America into a national obsession. An obsession to once again give the American citizen a voice in their destiny – an obsession to regain control of the government through responsive and responsible representation at all levels of government.

The vehicle to accomplish this is not definitively expressed as a right within the United States Constitution, but may be alluded to as a right granted within the provisions of Articles 9 and 10 of the Bill of Rights: Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

The implicit right to vote regardless of race, ethnic origin, gender or religious affiliation as addressed within federal and state legislation defining voter eligibility criteria. The privilege of the vote, the singular most important vehicle within the spectrum of democratic privileges and implicit rights which provides the citizens the means to formulate the policies and philosophies of their government. The vote, the means which give the right to Americans to demand responsive and responsible representatives and have a say in the 21st Century manifest destiny of the United States – restoration of the ethic and spirit of America.

The November 6, 2014 mid-term election presented the opportunity for American citizens to exercise their right to vote and send a firm message to federal, state and local officials demanding government reform and redefinition. By closure of the polls Republicans gained control of the senate, increased their commanding lead in the House of Representatives and conquered the governorship in most of the 50 States. The Republicans claimed a resounding victory. The Democrats under the leadership of President Obama conceded to the Republican victory while highlighting the probable causes for the Democratic party losses. Accordingly, factors cited which apparently swung the election ranged from low voter turn out (1/3 of registered voters), racism, sexism and in particular constraints on President Obama’s public support of the Democratic candidates.

However, two-thirds (100 million) of the registered voters did not show up at the polls. That two-thirds of the eligible registered voters, most probably filled with apathy, distrust of government, feelings of unresolvable futility, and apparently resigned to the idea that their singular vote was about as significant as adding another grain of sand to the Sahara. The no-shows sent a strong signal to our representatives that the majority of American voters feel disenfranchised and are not a significant threat to their political agenda or longevity.

Unfortunately the November 6 mid-term election winners faced with the post election rhetoric from both parties sets the stage for divisive confrontation and apparent unresolvable challenges. Within this arena of confrontation America becomes the loser. The ideological irresistible force meets the intractable impenetrable barrier with a resulting lose-lose scenario for the American citizen and for our democratic republic..

The “Big Three” – Senator McConnel, Representative Boehner and President Obama wasted no time informing the American public that they will work diligently to find common grounds to resolve Americas problems. Within the same breath of indicative compromise, the Republican leaders promised confrontation and resolution on the major issues of Budget, National Economy, Affordable Health Care and Illegal Immigration.

Concurrently, President Obama in an open definition of finding “common grounds” for cooperation established Affordable Health Care, Illegal Immigration and by association the National Economy and Budget Deficits as the non-negotiable “Holy Grails” of his administration. Adoption of the non negotiable agenda, President Obama has stated his intentions to employ Presidential Executive Orders; thereby attempting to negate any intervention by Congress and potentially violating the Constitution mandated separation and allocation of powers.

Note :

On November 20 2014 President Obama carried out his threat to issue and Executive Order to grant amnesty to Illegal Immigrants thereby opening the Pandora box loaded with a series of intended punitive challenges from Congressional republican leaders. The President’s open challenge of the will of the people and his flagrant determination to bypass Congress has essentially violated all pretenses of representative government and the precepts of the United States Constitution. Basically, his actions, if not successfully challenged , will serve as the precursor to the institution of an autocratic government and the end of the democratic representative processes.

Potential consequences include possible Constitutional crises, possible movement for impeachment, charges of abuse of power. Definite consequences, a President who does not conform to the mandates of separation of powers and apparently a president who has no use for the democratic process – an autocrat who willfully ignores the will of the people and the balances of power established by our Constitution.

With this as the “line in the sand” for the pending confrontation between the 114th Congress and 44th President of the United States – our leaders also must contend with national economic strife, deteriorating worldwide scenarios of conflict, potential conflicts and crises beyond conflict. That being said, then the question must be answered by both the Congress and the President to the satisfaction of the United States citizens and taxpayers – WHY ?.

The vote is over, the Congressional ideological platform has shifted from liberal to conservative control but the ideological mandates of the President remain a barrier to reasonable and productive political co-existence to serve the best interests of the United States and its’ citizens. Again, a revisit to Dr. Thomas Stowell’s observation on President Obama’s leadership “Whether Barack Obama is simply incompetent as president or has some hidden agenda to undermine this country at home and abroad, he has nearly everything he needs to ruin America . . . .”skews the argument in favor of the hidden agenda when considering the dire far reaching effects of his “Holy Grail” agenda on America.

First and foremost, the president’s intent to use Executive orders to forward his agenda allegedly violates not only the Constitution but equally important it violates the premises of representative government. A presidential intended action which, left unchallenged, would essentially negate the basic premises of our democratic republic.

It is inconceivable that an American president and Congress faced with unresolved domestic issues as well as international crises situations would jeopardize and ignore the needs of America and its citizens to consider catering to the pressures of illegal immigrants. The focus of governmental concerns must be on resolving the domestic issues of economic strife, compromised national security and defense, international terrorism and armed conflict, an ineffective and budget busting “Affordable Health Care”, rampant unemployment and underemployment.

When those issues are resolved, then the largess of America may once again be dispensed to aid the economically and politically repressed people of the world. However, until those issue are resolved neither the President nor Congress have fulfilled their sworn obligation to the United States and its citizens.